Education Consultants

Job Information

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    Category Other Education & Research Jobs
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    Posted On Jun 10 ,2020
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    Qualifications Master's Degree
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    Employer Name Juarez & Associates
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    Contact Email [email protected]

Job Description

  1. The consultant will be able to apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Disabilities Inclusive Education principles to the design of the National Reading Program’s (NRP) UDL Literacy Toolkit modules. 
  2. The consultant will apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to develop an instructional toolkit package that can be scaled up for the purposes of teaching learners with disabilities to read. 
  3. This toolkit must include materials and resources for identification, diagnosis, placement, reading instruction, and assessment of learners with disabilities including teacher and parent guides and other materials and forms/student record/data collection templates. All materials in the toolkit must be practical, functional, and simple. They should also be easy to read, understand, use, analyze, and interpret. 
  4. The toolkit must include core instructional content, built in self-assessments, reflection and discussion questions that teachers must answer at the culmination of each module. 
  5. The toolkit should take into consideration all areas of need and after consultations with appropriate actors such as head teachers, special education teachers, general education teachers, ministry experts, academics, and other actors who can contribute to its development such as DPOs. 
  6. The toolkit must take into consideration USAID’s Disability Toolkit and the resources and best practices recommended, and adapt these to the Malawian context as necessary