Regional Desk / Coordinator

  • 6 years ago

Job Information

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    Posted On Sep 17 ,2018

Job Description

  • develops and encourages relations with the various local and international actors present in the geographical area (donors, institutions, authorities, international and national NGOs, local partners) in order to ensure the best possible management of current activities and identification possible new programs / interventions in line with defined strategies with countries and headquarters;
  • coordinates with Management the development of relationships with stakeholders in Italy and Europe .

Program Strategy and Planning

  • defines and proposes to the Organization the elaboration and the update of the zone and Country strategies and it ensures with the Country Coordinators the elaboration and the periodic update of the respective documents of the strategic planning and plans operational;
  • guarantees systematic monitoring of the operational plan of the Coordination and of the Competent Countries.

Monitoring and management of projects / programs

  • supervises all the phases necessary for the presentation of new projects , by referring to the support offices of the headquarters;
  • ensures the sending of all the official documentation of the projects (contracts, official correspondence, narrative and financial reports, agreements with partners, etc.) and all the monitoring documentation requested by the head office