Job Description
- understanding and continuous, systematic and satisfactory monitoring by the action teams of Action Contre la Faim, CARE, involved in the program and the intervention context;
- planning and monitoring the implementation of the RESILAC program strategy, its review, and its internal and external accountability
- ensure the adequacy and harmonization of approaches with interventions in the other countries involved in the RESILAC program (Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria)
- analysis of the humanitarian situation outside RESILAC intervention areas
- internal / external dissemination and to headquarters of the information collected and analyzed
- the integration of the different technical sectors taken into account in RESILAC (SMPS, SAME, social cohesion)
- feeding the technical and operational advocacy strategies of the program, mission, region and headquarters (in accordance with the advocacy objectives defined by the Action Against Hunger reference documents)
- the identification of advocacy themes specific to RESILAC in connection with the Deputy Country Director and the Care focal point in Niger
Mission 2: Support the implementation and ensure the reporting of the program
The coordinator of the RESILAC national cell:
- validation of the key stages and methodologies of the projects implemented (chronogram, double CAP survey (baseline / final) systematic, technical studies, invitation to tender, specifications, community approach, external evaluations, etc.)
- technical support (direct and remote) to Pillar Managers with information sharing or alert to the RESILAC Regional Coordinator
- the existence of monitoring and evaluation systems and the integration of their results to guarantee improvement of projects
- validation, on time, of internal reports and donor reports, as well as project amendments with the contribution of the teams