
iyadi Cyril osita

Back End Engineer

About me

I am a Full-Stack Web developer who specializes in using JavaScript, Python, Ruby on Rails, React-Redux, C#, Postgresql, MySQL, and SQL to build software for businesses. I currently graduated from Microverse, a remote software development school that uses pair programming and real-world projects to teach development.

In Microverse, I code every day with other developers around the world and have learned the important skills of communication and cross-cultural teamwork. I also know how to work with tight deadlines because, for each module in the training, I submit capstone projects which display mastery of that module.

My previous degree in Computer Science taught me discipline, how to complete a course, work hard, and never give up. My experience as a C# Developer for 2 years, during which I built a multi-level approval flow and a core banking application that automates basic banking operations and financial report generation (e.g trial balance), also taught me that constant practice is key for growth and I apply this every day when I learn to code.

In my free time, I love to watch, discuss and review movies

Front-End: JavaScript, React, Redux, HTML5, CSS3
Back-End: C#, SQL, Ruby
Full-Stack: Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC
Tools & Methods: Git, GitHub, Mobile/Responsive Development, Test Driven Development, Chrome Dev Tools
Professional: Remote Pair-Programming, Teamwork, Mentoring

Feel free to check my Portfolio site here...

I am currently open to new job opportunities.
Looking for a developer? Let's schedule a Zoom chat! Feel free to send an email to

Skills and tools

Application development
Analytical skills


January 2023 -March 2023
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
Federal University Of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

  • Grade: 4.1 out of 5Grade: 4.1 out of 5

  • Activities and societies: Google Developers Group (GDG)Activities and societies: Google Developers Group (GDG)

    • Studied Operating systems, understanding algorithms, programming essentials, and computer networking.

      - I wrote an algorithm for combating free-riding in a peer-to-peer resource sharing network based on the popular Yoruba Ayo game.
      - First choice in my department for presentations on course assignments and pitching ideas.
      - Led several groups on tasks such as agricultural projects, completing algorithms, demonstrating engineering projects and exhibiting Operating Systems.

Work Experience

April 2022 -Currently working
Team Lead

I lead a team of 4 engineers and a product manager.

We have sprints with a duration of 2 weeks, each day we have stand-ups to share updates and discuss blockers,

and the tasks in a sprint are tracked via a Jira board.

The major accomplishments of the team so far include

Reduced trade losses from 46.6% to 2% in a quarter

- Implementation of the first service in migration from a Monolith architecture

- Implementation of a USD withdrawal process from our mobile app. 

Awards and Certificates :

May 2022 -August 2022
Full Stack Web Developer Nano Degree
Udacity 4 months

- SQL data modeling for the web
- API development (using FLASK) documentation
- Identity Access Management (using jwt tokens and Auth0)
- Server Deployment and Containerization (using AWS EKS services)
- Increased knowledge of core and advanced python concepts

Resume Video