Job Information

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    Category Foreign Jobs
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    Posted On Jan 27 ,2021
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    Qualifications Bachelor's Degree
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    Employer Name SNV Netherlands Development Organization
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    Contact Email [email protected]

Job Description

He / She will have the main responsibilities of: § Establishing the economic models to ensure the development of the market systems of the various promising value chains targeted by the project;

§ Develop with partners mechanisms for bringing together the various actors in the value chain (producers, processors, traders, service providers);

§ Collect monthly monitoring information for project indicators and contribute to all research studies, surveys and project evaluation;

§ Develop, with the help of technical partners, benchmarks for business models likely to be replicated at the project level and even nationally;

§ Monitor the quality of services provided by executing agencies and operators;

§ Propose appropriate reforms to improve the business environment and economic relations between the actors of the value chains supported by the project;

§ Draw up the mapping and prepare a summary document of the opportunities for the integration of young people and women into the identified value chains;