Gender Expert – Higher Education

Job Information

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    Category Foreign Jobs
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    Posted On Jan 28 ,2021
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    Qualifications Master
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    Employer Name Expertise France
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    Contact Email [email protected]

Job Description

Expertise France will provide technical assistance to Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation (MESRI) in Niger for the preparation of the Support Project for the Professionalization of Higher Education (PAPES) in Niger. Funded by AFD, the future PAPES project aims to include the professionalization of higher education pathways in the management of MESRI to better meet the needs of socio-professional communities, within the transversal framework of improving the quality of higher education and the consideration of the gender component and to demonstrate the means to be implemented to achieve this in the promising agri-food sector through the creation of

As part of the preparatory phase lasting 12 months, Expertise France will deploy resident expertise and short-term expertise according to pre-identified needs.