Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and Knowledge Management Advisor, Monitoring and Evaluation

Job Information

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    Category Foreign Jobs
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    Posted On Jan 20 ,2021
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    Qualifications Master
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    Employer Name SNV Netherlands Development Organization
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    Contact Email [email protected]

Job Description

  • Contribute to the design and execution of the performance framework of the monitoring and evaluation system of PRO-ARIDES planning by focusing on the measurement of outputs and their indicators periodically;
  • Facilitate a systemic change approach: Implementation of a systemic vision (food and landscape) to ensure the identification and apprehension of change in relation to the main obstacles.
  • Ensure (local) measurement of progress and results: Monitoring of results and progress against objectives; use of information to inform adaptive management decision making.
  • Provide quality assurance for the implementation of PRO-ARIDES: Verification of activities, quality assurance control, reflection on and review of programs, donor compliance.